So it finally happened...
THEY finally found a perfect, invisible enemy of all mankind. An enemy that we can't hide from no matter where in the world we would go.
ISIS wasn't enough to give THEM more power and control.
It is better than a fucking asteroid! Goebbels would be proud AF!
How do we know we are not getting played? THEY can tell us anything they want. 100 dead, 3500 dead, maybe 6 millions? We heard that before - it is just a nice, round number.
Is it real? Or is it just a seasonal flu? Why didn't we have that mass hysteria during Swineflu, SARS, H1N1?
Since it was said that H1N1 "is associated with the 1918 outbreak known as the Spanish flu" via WIKI. Fuck! No one panicked back then. Oh: "this time it's different"
I will s...