Have you heard about this US governmental office?: https://www.treasury.gov/about/organizational-structure/offices/Pages/Office-of-Terrorism-and-Financial-Intelligence.aspx

Well, probably not. Why would you, right? Another office with another asshole .gov robot.

Everyone heard about Paypal banning people for no reason. We just heard about someone getting banned from Western Union!!! So this office was created to ban the whole countries. Pretty extensive powers you would say, right? To ban the whole country from international trade because of X, Y or some other bullshit. Of course, as usual it sounds amazing: “Terrorism and Financial Intelligence develops and implements US .gov strategies to combat terrorist financing domestically and internationally, develops and implements the National Money Laundering Strategy and other policies” blah, blah, blah... And where are the “terrorists” nowadays? Yeah – Middle East. Hold on, we are getting to the point of this short read.

Money, money, money... so who is good with FIAT since its modern conception? Oh, yeah, you guessed it!!!! Finally got it???

Well since that .gov office inception in 2004 it had 4 Under Secretaries. ALL of them were... wait for it!!! Of course the chosen ones!!!! Eskimos! Here we go:





Ad hominem because we can't hold it: look at those fucking faces!!!!!

It would be fucking funny if it wasn't sad that this beloved Country is run by those fuckers and our boys are dying in the stupid wars for them.

Draw your own conclusions, read more about the subject, open your fucking eyes.