It is official: North America is a Country now. FIFA just confirmed it by giving the winning bid to Canada, US and Mexico hence new country called North America. Let's think about a design for a new flag...
So – few points explaining why it is a moronic decision:
- Day one of the Cup and my team is playing in NYC at 8pm local time. After the game they have to rush to the plane because the next game is 48 hours from now 4000 miles and 4 time zones away. Perfect isnt it???
- Day one of the Cup and my team is playing in a 100% percent humid Chicago. Thunderstorms, cloudy skies and only 95 degrees of Fahrenheit. After the game they hop on the plane and after only 4 hours flight they land 2 time zones away where it is only 65F in the evening and “it's a dry heat!”
- I thought we were fighting “global warming”, excuse me: “climate change”, so how come all those unnecessary flights???
- World Cup Brazil was a logistical nighmare so this fucking idea is a child of a two homo retards.
- I am pretty sure US is included only to pay the bills.
- I suggest 2030 World Cup is organized in Asia, since Asia is a Country now. One game in Hong Kong, another game in Uzbekistan. One game in Ulaanbaatar, another in Lahore (Pakistan). It is an awesome way to prop this Keynesian economy.
We all know why FIFA did that. To promote the agenda that Countries don't exist, are not important anymore, not necessary, are sexists, nationalistic, bad etc...
What will the national anthem of North America be? La Macarena???